The Quintin Hogg Trust’s sole purpose is to support the advancement of education of students at the University of Westminster – in keeping with our founder’s lifelong work. The Trust derives its income from a portfolio of Central London property and investments, and aims to allocate all income to projects that fit our purpose.
The Quintin Hogg Memorial Fund supports the education of students of the University through the provision of facilities for their recreation, and is permitted to use those facilities to support other young persons.
As charities, the Trust and Memorial Fund are managed by a Board of Trustees who oversee its finances and decide which activities it will fund.
The Hon. Dame Mary Hogg DBE - Patron
There are currently 12 Trustees who come from a range of professional areas reflecting the requirements of a modern forward thinking Board and in alignment with the needs of an Educational Institution.
The Trustees offer a broad range of expertise related to the Trust’s aims and activities; comprising of Academics, Property, including development, management, and risk, Finance, Law, Accountancy and Alumni of the University of Westminster.
Dr Geoffrey Copland CBE
Mrs Joanna Embling
Dr Ann Rumpus
Mrs Victoria Batten
Andrew Saunders Davies
Ms Paula Doyle
Liz Duff
Maria Semedalas
Mark Pryce
Interim Business and Governance Manager
Charmaine Pryce
Our values
Independent and objective
We are not part of the University of Westminster and make our decisions on funding purely on the basis of our objects – the advancement of education of the students of the University of Westminster.
Energetic and challenging
We actively seek out projects that meet this objective. For example, we have introduced a protocol that at least one application each year should come from the Students’ Union.
Thoughtful and open
We are keen to examine wholly new ideas that meet our purpose and can offer seed funding for new initiatives or to support cutting-edge research. We are also open to applications for funding to support international students at the University of Westminster.
Celebrating our past to drive our future
We believe that Quintin Hogg’s aspirations and values should continue to underpin education today and tomorrow.