

Patron of the Quintin Hogg Trust names a boat at the Quintin Boat Club - The Mary Hogg gets a wetting!


It was a special occasion at the Quintin Boat Club, in early June, for the naming of two boats jointly funded by the Chiswick Rowing Trust and the Quintin Hogg Trust – organisations dedicated to improving access to facilities as well as engagement and encouragement to a wider youth audience.

Club Captain, Duncan Hughes, welcomed and introduced the guests who went on to perform the honour of “wetting” the boats.

First up “The Lady Angela” named by Angela King for Dave King, a former Captain of QBC, - he has been a member of the Club for over 35 years and is also a Trustee of Chiswick Rowing Trust.

This was followed by a special guest Dame Mary Hogg who named the new women’s coxless pair “Mary Hogg.” As well as being a direct descendant of the club’s founder, Dame Mary is the Patron of the Quintin Hogg Trust and has been very supportive in promoting the redevelopment of the boathouse clubroom.