ALL NEWSQuintin Hogg Trust’s support for the University of Westminster and its many initiatives acknowledged – Thank you QHT!
From the Vice Chancellor, Professor Peter Bonfield:
I am so pleased to say that the UoW has been rated as Silver in the Government's Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) exercise. Within our overall Silver rating we have achieved Silver for both our delivery of Student Outcomes and Student Experience – solid Silver! This means we typically provide ‘Very High Quality Education’.
This represents a very significant improvement for the University and has been achieved thanks to the positive efforts that have collectively been made alongside our Students’ Union, Governors, Alumni and partners since the last TEF more than five years ago. It was a key target in our first “Being Westminster” Strategy – now achieved and on schedule. Hard to do, and absolutely worth it and an achievement we all now have every right to all feel proud of.
We have achieved this Silver rating by being true to, indeed focusing continually more on, what makes us authentically Westminster with our special and distinctive purpose, supporting our wonderfully diverse student community, our values and priorities, and our way of educating across a wide array of topic areas and disciplines. Dr Sal Jarvis, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Education and her team did a brilliant job of bringing together the evidence and narrative that demonstrated the excellent progress we have made over the last five years or so. Our great strength being that we were able to articulate our clear intent in our “Being Westminster Strategy” and then demonstrate unequivocally how we have progressed and improved since. Our Students’ Union also made their own complementary submission which formed part of the assessment process too. We retain our TEF Silver rating for the next four years which sits very nicely alongside the excellent Research Excellence Framework outcome which we received last year.
Professor Lynne Berry CBE
Chair/Independent Governor, Westminster Court of Governors
“Thank you so much for all that the Trust has contributed through the QHT programme which has unequivocally helped enable this success. All so worthwhile for our distinctive and special student community, the tremendous support our students and our staff colleagues receive from The Trust. Our educational achievements, particularly those that relate to the student experience and the quality of our teaching and learning, are vital and your support has been invaluable.”
QHT supports University of Westminster launch of second Black History Year